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How do I get paid?

Sales information - Photographer payment and setting photo price

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

You can view sales information anytime from your Sales dashboard found in your header navigation.

Selling Photos - How to Request Payment

  1. To request payment go to Sales in the header navigation bar

  2. Click on the Payments button

  3. You can be paid via Bank Account or PayPal.

  4. Enter your details and Save.

  5. You can request payment at any time by clicking on the Request Payment button.

  6. Payments are usually made within three business days. Bank transfer times can vary and could take longer to be processed.

Setting Photo Price & Discount Packages

When creating your own events you set the price of the photos. If you are booking onto an event the event creator sets the price of the photos. A standard price is displayed as a guide however it's best to understand your own audience. After creating your event there is the option to add photo bundles on the Manage Event page, + Photo packs and Discounts

These include Percentage Discount, Selfie Bundle Discount or Multi-Tier Discount

Example photographer payment breakdown.

Allocating Revenue Split & Affiliate Partnerships

When you upload and sell photos, you will receive 70% of each photo sold (minus GST and any PayPal fees) and GeoSnapShot retains the remaining 30%. Our standard account is set so photographers receive the 70% revenue cut. If you would like your account split changed with your organisation earning 70% or split differently between photographer and organisation please reach out to

If you are interested in receiving a greater revenue cut, see our Affiliate Program for more information and contact

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