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How to "Tag" albums on GeoSnapShot

Bulk Tag all photos within an album to help your internal team find photos fast.

Written by Ram Ghate
Updated over 10 months ago

Organisation users can now tag their albums before or after uploading photos. Click on "Events" on the GeoSnapShot header navigation bar, click the “Upload Photos” action icon of the event where you want to add tags to entire albums. You can also add tags to albums at any time.

In events dashboard, click the “Upload Photos” action icon of the event you intend to tag.

Either create a new album or click on an existing album you wish to tag.

Click on the "Album Tags" button and enter the relevant tags for that album.

After entering the tags to the album by adding and pressing enter, click “Save tags”.

You can see the album tags added under the album name. These are applied to all photos within the album.

Album tags will show up under each photo in the event gallery lightbox as a different color but are not editable in the event gallery. They can only be removed on the upload page of the specific album.

To bulk tag groups of photos via other filters refer to the article "How to add tags to photos"

To search for tagged photos within your organisation refer to the link below

For any questions regarding after event promotion, please contact

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